Font optimization to make an ultra lightweight website

Weeks ago, I discovered the 512 KB Club, a group of websites focused on performance with a very small footprint. Browsing the site, I learned about the three teams (green, blue, and orange) into which websites are split based on their size. I wanted this blog to fit in the tinies…
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Improving Pacman cache using Pacoloco

Since I set up the NGINX pacman cache proxy for my local network, I've been enjoying faster downloads overall. However, when an upstream mirror had availability problems, NGINX did not automatically switch to an alternative mirror, causing timeouts during an update. Of course, th…
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Dynamic reverse proxy Pacman cache using NGINX

Arch Linux is a rolling release distribution. Almost every day there are updates available including kernel updates, "The nVidia proprietary blob", etc... These packages are huge and even with a very fast internet connection they take a lot of bandwidth and resources …
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Retroarch Save Data Management with Git

A few days ago I lost half the progress in The Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap due to an error while checking an old save state. Let’s say I was on point B (almost at the end of the game) and I wanted to check something from point A (50% of the game). To do so, I restored that sa…
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